Monday, May 18, 2020

Nucor Corporation s Making Nuclear Instruments - 1269 Words

Nucor Corporation got its start in the 1950’s making nuclear instruments as well as electronic products. It struggled for many years and by 1964 was facing bankruptcy. Around the mid 1960’s it was decided that it was best for the company to exit its current market and focus on its profitable Vulcraft subsidiary steel joint business. In 1968, management then made the decision to integrate backward into steelmaking. In 2012, Nucor was the largest manufacturer of steel and steel products in North America. Alongside Nucor’s low-cost strategy, it places emphasis on innovative steelmaking technologies to reduce environmental waste, increased efficiency and production innovation. However, Nucor has had some struggles financially over the past†¦show more content†¦The single largest costs for Nucor is raw materials, scrap metal and scrap substitutes. All of its steel mills use recycled scrap metal to make steel products. 1.1 tons of scrap and scrap substitutes are required to produce 1 ton of steel. As the biggest user of scrap metal in North America, it is imperative that it gains better control over its costs of raw materials (Attachment C.) Market demand-supply conditions fluctuate significantly in the steel market, and directly drive scrap prices. Scrap and scrap substitute price averages increased by 57.6% from 2007 to 2008. Although prices did decrease by 30.8% the next year, by 2011 prices showed a total increase of 58% since 2007 (Attachment D.) The unpredictable n ature of the raw materials needed to produce its products makes close monitoring of Nucor’s pricing strategy each year essential to maintaining the company’s profitability. The company uses continuous innovation practices as well as technological advancements in its production processes as ways to offset the costs of the volatile market prices while attempting to maintain its low costs (Attachment C.) Another challenge for Nucor is competition from foreign suppliers. The competition in the U.S steel market is highly competitive with pressure from many domestic as well as foreign firms (Attachment B.) However, Nucor’s most challenging threat in the U.S market is foreign steelmakers exporting to the U.S. Many of these foreign companies receive subsidies from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Political Implications of Darwins Theory of Natural...

In 1859 biologist Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species which laid out Darwins theory of natural selection. Natural selection stated that an organism which possessed advantageous traits that allowed it to survive and reproduce easier than became more prevalent in the proceeding generations, eventually resulting in a differentiation of species. This is the basis of evolution and is a constantly ongoing process. Organisms that did not possess the advantageous traits were doomed to genetic extinction. This process allowed organisms to adapt and survive. While this was a biological theory, there were political implications to Darwins theory. A man named Herbert Spencer took the theory of natural selection and applied it†¦show more content†¦He didnt want to see government intervention that would grow the size and scope of government, as well as keeping useless people alive, dragging down society. Spencer also a strong advocate of laise-faire capitalism as it cr eated competition just like in natural selection. Francis Galton took Spencers Social Darwinism to its logical conclusion with the idea of eugenics. Galton felt that not only were physical characteristics passed down genetically, but personality traits were as well. Societys problems therefore werent caused by people being in disadvantageous situations, but because people are genetically predisposed toward them. The evidence of this Galton felt, was that there were people who, despite their poor environments, were able to elevate their status. This demonstrated to him a genetic predisposition toward excellence. Eugenics stated that things like intelligence and health were all genetic. Moral character was also considered genetic, and if an individual was an alcoholic for example, this was considered to be the result of bad genetics. Galton believed that if people with outstanding intelligence, physical and mental health, and morality were selectively bred then society would ben efit. Since there was a small percentage of people who had these traits in great abundance, and such a large population that lacked them, Galton felt that there should be an attempt toShow MoreRelatedThe Origin of Species1246 Words   |  5 Pagesunderstanding of what was fact was published and it summarized a theory that humans have slowly evolved from a primitive form, commonly called the Theory of Evolution.(Kennedy Pg.572) The book titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life was written by an English naturalist and geologist, Charles Darwin, and it overcame the scientific rejection that earlier similar theories had faced. 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In this report you will be able to identify the theory’s I have linked to believe may be part or contribute to the abuser. There are numerous theories to explain why men batter women, in fact, there are so many theory’s in this textbook that are devoted to explaining them. As you will read, we were directed to research outside of our content. Even though no one theory prevails, professionals should be awareRead More Evolution Creationism in Education Essay3937 Words   |  16 Pagesthat they are wrong, but are simply two views on completely opposite sides of the creation - evolution debate spectrum. For some creationists, accepting God as Creator as told in the Book of Genesis means the simultaneous rejection of evolutionary theory. For some evolution believers, accepting evolution ultimately results in the replacement of God as Creator with the process of evolution. 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Hammurabis Code Compared to Us Today Essay Sample free essay sample

Although our society today may desire to be under a stricter regulation of behavior. the Torahs we are under today are shaped to suit us in the best manner. A Babylonian papers. Hammurabi’s Code of Laws. consists of a set of Torahs enforced to train people. The Torahs are most based on societal categories in which people were in. For illustration in The Code. one of the jurisprudence provinces. â€Å"If he be a freewoman. he ( the doctor ) shall have five boodles. † Basically intending if he be a slave. or lower category adult male. he will non be paid if done a physician’s occupation. But he was a known doctor and isn’t a freewoman. he’d be paid five boodles. So are we better off with our present set of Torahs? Or is it in the best involvement for our society to follow Hammurabi’s Code? We are better off with our set of Torahs we have today. We will write a custom essay sample on Hammurabis Code Compared to Us Today Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For the fact that our Torahs today isn’t based on societal categories nor’ genders. Our set of Torahs today gives subject to all those that choose to non obey to them. Another jurisprudence in Hammurabi’s Code is â€Å"If a adult female conveying about the decease of her hubby for the interest of another adult male. they shall transfix her. † And it’s a inquiry what would go on if a adult male was in this state of affairs. Would he be put to decease? Because in this jurisprudence is provinces â€Å"†¦If a adult males married woman becomes afflicted with disease. and if he wants to take another married woman. he may†¦but she shall stay in the house which he has built and he shall keep her every bit long as she lives† This is stating if a mans married woman is ill he may look for another. but must take attention of her for the remainder of her life. Yet the adult male isn’t put to decease for fundamentally go forthing his original married woman for another. She didn’t perish. but being ill plenty. for person to go forth you. is merely like being murdered on the interior. 1. 2 million violent offenses were committed in the US in 2010 harmonizing to the FBI national statistics. That’s a high figure for offenses committed. but the penalty for those lawbreakers is appropriate for their state of affairss. If a adult male took an oculus out of another adult male his oculus likely wasn’t taken out but most likely life in prison. Wounds heal. but prison is everlastingly. In 2009 the US had about the same figure of offense committed. Laws aren’t traveling to halt people from making what they merely have the impulse to make. Hammurabi’s Code scared people in different ways but that didn’t stop people from making what they thought is right. A batch of society’s want justness. and have pride. They have pride in what they do and the effects they face. they will confront with award. For illustration. if adult male truly did believe another adult male is accused with a capital offense. he will travel to test against him to acquire justness. But if it comes down to it that the accuser is incorrect. he. the accuser. is put to decease. The US belongings offense statistic dropped from 9. 8 million to 8. 9 million harmonizing a United states offense statistic study. And once more it’s in those people sentiment to make what they want. even though it’s non right. Peoples know the effect of making a offense. and doing it harsher won’t panic everyone. There’s a jurisprudence in Hammurabi’s Code that has to make with belongings and such. It states. â€Å"If any one bargain the belongings of a temple or of a tribunal. he shall be put to decease. and besides the 1 who receives the stolen thing from him shall be put to decease. † Meaning if a adult male bargain from someone’s belongings and gives that point to another. both shall be put to decease. That jurisprudence may non be fair in some instances. That individual that received the point may non hold known of the larceny. but was put to decease merely because of the other man’s incorrect making. The unfairness of Hammurabi’s Code and the manner each codification of behavior is directed to a specific individual or societal category isn’t right. Making a certain offense should intend every societal category. every gender. and everyone making that offense should be punished in the same manner. But sometimes Hammurabi’s Code consists of holding a higher societal category individual acquiring benefits a lower category individual wouldn’t get. Like the codification mentioned earlier. â€Å"If he be a freewoman. he ( the doctor ) shall have five boodles. † If a low category adult male has the same endowments as a high category adult male he should be treated the same. Certain people could acquire away with things under Hammurabi’s Code of Laws. If that codification wasnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t directed towards a adult male than a adult females can perpetrate it and who knows what her effect would be. Or even if she receives a effect. All these decisions shows merely how and why the United states is better off with our present set of Torahs.